I’m the Show (Autumn)
This friendly girl has 84 registered races. She is cat safe. She is a 2006 Orange Park Juvenile...
Garnett Getrdone (Cable)
Cable was born June 2nd, 2006 and is a super sweet, sleek and shiny man with the most...
BD’s Nexus (Lexie)
Lexie is a beautiful blonde broodie with sweet soulful eyes and ears that go every-which-way. She...
Stonepark Twelve (Stoney)
Stoney was born on June 2, 2014 in Ireland where he raced up until as recently as May 2017. He is...
Black Diamond (Charlie)
Oh Oh Oh! Who is this handsome lad? Why this is the absolutely stunning and drop dead gorgeous...
This little girl, weighing in at approximately 57 lbs., was born on March 10, 2012 and she is a...
Strictly Bisness (Larry)
Larry was born on December 22, 2014 and is a very small for a male at 58 lbs. He definitely needs...
Orion (fna Kantok)
Kantok was surrendered to NCGL by his owners. He was born on October 14, 2015 and is a gorgeous...
While driving through a portion of “Highway for Heroes” it brought a smile to our faces…..here we...
Chesky (fna Steeple Rd Barry-Esco))
Chesky is a very handsome black boy, surrendered to NCGL in BC. We do not have very much...
GF Huasca (Morty)
Huasca is a friendly, outgoing guy, born on October 30, 2014. He likes attention, but also has his...
LK’s Devils Due (Sonny)
Born on January 1, 2014, Sonny is a happy, friendly guy. He’s very confident and enjoys being a...
LK’s Slinger (Slinger)
Slinger is a happy, friendly guy, born on November 14, 2014. He enjoys being the centre of...
Monday Morning (Monday)
Born on February 24, 2013, Monday is a friendly, mellow guy. It is felt that he got his name...
Oshkosh Preview (Creedence)
Preview was born on September 26, 2013 and she is a happy, friendly girl. She enjoys activity but...
Pfanny’s Teeparty (Teeparty)
Born on October 17, 2012, Teeparty is a sweet, gentle soul. She likes attention, but isn’t pushy...
TR’s Maggie (Maggie)
Maggie was born on September 25, 2013. She is a happy, friendly girl. She enjoys going places and...
NCGL Calgary wants to give a huge skinny welcome to our newest addition Roxy! Roxy was collected...
Gonzales (Gonzo)
Gonzo 2017-09-07 Our super special, former forever-foster, miracle-man Gonzy is looking for a...
LC’sJiggyWithIt (Cooper)
Adopted September 29, 2013
Ln Peanut (Peanut)
Peanut, born on April 8, 2015, is a cute, sweet, little girl. She loves attention, so if...
AJN Black Beauty (Shadow)
Squirrel was born on March 6, 2015. He is a sweet, friendly guy, but he can be a little unsure...
AJN Star Go Bon (Scout)
Scout was born on April 17, 2015. He is a sweet, friendly guy. He’s a youngster and may be a...
AMF Wild Burst (Blake)
Blake was born on April 12, 2013. He is a friendly happy guy. He likes getting out and doing...
Dalorian (nka Zen)
Dalorian was born on December 14, 2015 and is happy, friendly guy. For a big, young boy, he’s...