Four-year-old Jack was a Lower Mainland surrender fostered in Duncan. Jack is a real people dog...
Welcome to NCGL Arrow! Arrow is a sweet 4.5 Canadian Match Racer. He was surrendered to us by his...
Welcome to NCGL Franny! Franny is a beautiful 2.5 year old greyhound cross who was found at a dump...
Guiness (Big Show)
Guinness (Big Show) is a sweet boy born October 13, 2017. He adores people, walks, sleeping on the...
Baxter is a young, exuberant boy (born January 2019). Baxter came to us from the Lower Mainland...
Cry Artic
Cry Artic is a lovely 6 year old male. He gets along very well with his greyhound housemate and is...
Hey Buddy!! Welcome to the NCGL family! Buddy is a lovely young boy (probably about 2) and just...
Asha (fka Honey)
Honey is a sweet 5 year old girl surrendered to NCGL! She will need all her vetting done so any...
Sikander (Candor)
Sikander is a sweet 2 year old boy surrendered to NCGL! KANDOR HAS BEEN ADOPTED!
Little Boy
Good Morning Hound Lovers! Yesterday NCGL was contacted about a pup in need that had been dropped...
Bazz has just joined the NCGL family. He is a beautiful, energetic, but untrained youngster...
Flying Ranger
Flying Ranger (Ranger) was born August 2, 2017 and still has puppyish exuberance and energy. He...
Elvira’s Rocket (Maxwell)
Very sweet, friendly dog 4.5 yrs old. Enjoys being with people. Gets along with the other dogs....
Lily (nka Billy)
Lily is a 5-year-old Wolfhound x Coonhound cross. She has the most beautiful fuzzy fur and long...
Georgie (fka Gina)
Georgie, born on September 6th, 2018, is a sweet happy girl with a forever-tail-wagging! Her Momma...
Tye (fna Tiger)
NCGL Has always been 100% committed to giving our wonderful dogs the best chance at a happy life...
Houston, born on September 9, 2018, is a big goofy boy who likes other dogs and did well at his...
Juno, born on October 14, 2017, is a very tiny sweet little lady who likes other dogs and did well...
Max was born on November 1, 2016. He is not cat safe. He is really good with kids. When at the...
Penny, born on April 15, 2016, weighs in at 63.8 lb.,and is a black female Greyhound who has been...
Dollar was born on April 15, 2016. He is a 67.2 lb., black male Greyhound, who has been...
Everylittlething (Elthi)
Elthie, born on April 9, 2017, has been surrendered to NCGL to be re-homed. Her owners could no...
RJ’s Haven (nka Oolong)
Haven, born on August 6, 2014, reached the mandatory retirement age of 5 after running 83 races,...
Jaz Kahn (Jaz)
Jaz was born on July 25, 2016. She had no interest in the cat when tested. Jaz had a leg injury,...
NB’s Luxor (Lux)
Lux was born on December 25, 2015 - A Christmas Pup! When cat tested she didn't want to look at...