Blake was born on April 12, 2013. He is a friendly happy guy. He likes getting out and doing things. He generally...
Dalorian (nka Zen)
Dalorian was born on December 14, 2015 and is happy, friendly guy. For a big, young boy, he’s actually pretty gentle....
Turbo Daniel (Daniel)
Daniel, who was born on March 6, 2014, is a happy, outgoing kind of guy. He’s still learning all his manners, but he...
Oaks Ariel (Ariel)
Born on October 19, 2015, Ariel is a sweet girl, but she may be a bit overwhelmed initially. Give her a little...
Kiowa Moscato (Moscato)
Born on July 21, 2014, Moscato is a friendly, happy boy. He generally crates well and he enjoys rawhide bones. Watch...
Jack’s Smokinsis (Topaz)
Topaz was born on December 26, 2011. She is a friendly girl and enjoys being with people, but also has an independent...
Cassie is healthy and up to date on shots. She's booked for a dental in August which will be covered by NCGL but is...
Sasha (fna Maggie)
2017-07-12 - Foster Update Sasha is a 3 year old greyhound born in Northern Alberta. DOB January 1, 2014. The foster...
Badger (fna Ruger)
Ruger, a 3 year old Canadian Greyhound that was picked up by NCGL in Alberta along with his sibling. Ruger is a...
Molly, is a beautiful 3 year old Canadian Greyhound, who was picked up in Alberta by NCGL along with her sibling. She...