

Penny, born on April 15, 2016, weighs in at 63.8 lb.,and is a black female Greyhound who has been surrendered to NCGL by her owner, through no fault of her own. She is a very sweet little girl who enjoys the car, watching everything along the way. She leans in for...


Dollar was born on April 15, 2016. He is a 67.2 lb., black male Greyhound, who has been surrendered by his family, through no fault of his own, to NCGL for re-homing. We just met this handsome boy, but he has a lovely personality. He rode well in the car, very...
Everylittlething (Elthi)

Everylittlething (Elthi)

Elthie, born on April 9, 2017, has been surrendered to NCGL to be re-homed. Her owners could no longer take care of her and asked us to take her in. She is a beautiful red and tan Brindle, with a terrific disposition, manner and presence, weighing in at 50.5 lbs. She...
RJ’s Haven (nka Oolong)

RJ’s Haven (nka Oolong)

Haven, born on August 6, 2014, reached the mandatory retirement age of 5 after running 83 races, placing 1st in 7 races and 2nd in 12. She is cat tolerant although curious but didn’t pursue. Haven loves people, is playful and sweet.    ...
Jaz Kahn (Jaz)

Jaz Kahn (Jaz)

Jaz was born on July 25, 2016. She had no interest in the cat when tested. Jaz had a leg injury, broken hock, and was rehabbed and vet notes are available. She is kind of reserved, Plays well with others.