This is Power Jet. PJ for short. He is one of two brothers surrendered to us in the Lower Mainland. These two brothers...
This is Rusty. He is one of two brothers surrendered to us in the Lower Mainland. These two brothers were born July...
Welcome to NCGL Turbo! Turbo is a sweet 3.5 year old boy from our local match racing community! NCGL has been helping...
Welcome to NCGL Muriel Muriel is a 14 year old Whippet Cross who was surrendered to us after her mom was unable to...
Irish Blue
Blue's ear tattoos identify him as a former Irish racer, He was surrendered to NCGL from owners in Abbotsford. Blue's...
Welcome to NCGL Tommy! Tommy is heading to the interior with his new foster family. So far what we know is Tommy a...
Bingo is an absolutely fabulous and handsome 3 year old male greyhound. Bingo loves going for walks with his foster...
Arderin Shade
Shade (Arderin Shade) is an absolutely beautiful 5 year old greyhound with the sweetest personality. Although Shade is...
Congratulations Annie! Annie has found her home in Pemberton and now enjoys life on a farm with her fur sister Martha!...
Jimmy is an American puppy whose owner surrendered him to NCGL due to health reasons. Jimmy is a busy, happy just...
Audi is being fostered on Vancouver Island and ready for her forever home. Audi is a petite lady (55lbs) and is very...
How is this sweet little girl still looking for a home?! Onyx is a beautiful girl who found herself at Calgary Animal...