What a handsome big boy Tabu is, with a beautiful thick coat, which is now glistening clean after a bath at his foster home. He made no fuss whatsoever during his bath and seemed to enjoy the extra attention, later jumping into the kiddie pool to bask in the sun and cool down.
Tabu, who is fondly referred to by his Foster Dad as “Dufus” is really playful, unable to entice the other 3 Greyhounds to play, he finally found a squeaky toy and rope to toss up in the air and pounce on. He has lived outside during his entire life and found the fresh green grass to be a wonderful place to roll with all four in the air. He has a wonderful spirit and is just beginning his next journey.
It only took 3 tries for him to master the front steps to the house. The back stairs will be the next test, a little more steep and open. He walks really well on leash and did not pull when dogs on the opposite side of the road passed by. We don’t know yet how he will be with cats – his previous owner did not own one. The crate was put up in the living room where he can see everyone and be near the other greys, walking right in….to retrieve a yummy treat! He even had a snooze during our dinner, waking only when he heard us walking by his crate.
Tomorrow he has his first vet appointment for a wellness check and his neuter surgery is scheduled for Thursday. Updates to follow……
Update as told to Tabu’s Foster Dad: “Nice to meet you – me is foster Tabu!
Since Monday, I have been learning about an entire new world called “foster home” where I have been exposed to many new experiences:
– A grumpy 9 yr/old retired racer named “Ron” and a reluctant friend called “Puff”;
– Shiny ceramic floors (work in progress);
– Stairs… I’m fine with a few full ones but I don’t trust the ones you can see through yet; foster parents seem to not care but I will remain vigilant of trickery! I’m smart 🙂
– Car rides to go for walks as a pack (aced! I do very well both in cars and in a pack)
– Kennel crating – a nice place where nobody could bother me if they ever woke up for any length of time: It’s all mine and I go in it on my own when I want to rest or be close to foster parents.
– Sleeping an entire night without distractions
– Walks on a leash – foster Dad says that walking a hound doesn’t get any easier than this (aced again!)
I am extremely well-tempered and eager to please according to my foster parents; between the mandatory outdoor excursions I spend most of the day laying around waiting for something to happen…
On Tuesday we went and see a nice lady who dog-handled me for a few mins and said that I was looking extremely fit and in good health. I hope she gets better treats than what she had today next time I see her…
“Foster home” has a big yard where I can go explore things and play and it comes with toys like ropes with knots and 42″ circular beds both of which I enjoy very much. I love to play with these but I don’t destroy them or collect them so that way they’ll be there next time I go out to play (told ya I am smart 😉
Time for me to say g’bye, I have to go halp making dinner it seems but I will be back to share with you the discoveries this world has in store for me.”





