“For the Love of Dogs”

On Saturday, February 2 nd , 2019 the 2 nd Annual Fundraiser “For the Love of Dogs” was attended by 100
people who were entertained once again with greyt music, wonderful food and an awesome Silent
Auction with an array of goodies donated by many of our supporters. We know that many went home
with some greyt bargains….and NCGL was the recipient of 100% of those purchase funds.

Stay tuned for news on the 20 years in 2020 celebration! You won’t want to miss out on this event!


Welcome to all our Guests!


Inlet Jazz Band The Jazz Holes

The following seven dogs were rescued in January 2018, found abandoned on a farm in Saskatchewan. All of them have been adopted into forever homes and are healthy and happy.

The video of their capture is posted on the website 2018 Gala fundraiser page.



In December 2018 the following five Wolfhound/Greyhound cross were surrendered to NCGL due to serious family illness.


Special recognition awarded to Northwest Canadian Greyhound League