Time is almost up to get your last minute donations in for 2022!
With your help, support and incredible generosity we were able to help a lot of awesome dogs find amazing families in 2022! Beautiful dogs like White Star, Bella, Tyson, Jeanie, the beautiful pups from Ireland and of course our beautiful Daisy and her 11 puppies and so many more! Because of you every single one of those puppies just celebrated their first Christmas, including our beloved little Andy who required heart surgery to save his life and wouldn’t be here without you all

Your continued support and donations allow us to not turn away dogs in need regardless of their situations!
If you’d like to make a donation in 2022 we accept paypal, facebook and e-transfer donations before midnight on December 31st and cheques dated before December 31st received within the first week and a half of January. This criteria only applies if you’d like your tax receipt to be applicable for your 2022 taxes. All donations $20.00+ will receive a tax receipt.
E-transfers can be sent to treasurer@ncgl.ca with a follow up email sent to that same address with your contact information (name and address). Paypal donations can be made by following this link https://ncgl.ca/donations/ and cheques can be mailed to:
Northwest Canadian Greyhound League
274 Woodside Circle SW
Calgary, AB T2W 3K4
Thank you so much and we hope your Howlidays have been filled with joy and extra skinny tail wags!
Happy New Year!!!