Chapter : AB
Breed : Greyhound Cross
Arrival Date: 05/30/2022
Date Of Birth : 04/28/2011
Adopted Date : 07/15/2022
Age : Senior
Gender : Female
Weight : Medium - 60 to 79 lbs

Maggie is the sweetest dog her foster family has met in a while. She fit right in with their family and was incredibly happy as long as she feels loved. She loves to gaze out the window at the birds and dogs being walked. She may moan and groan at the mere sight of a dog being walked, but she tries really hard not to bark.

She loves to play throw and retrieve with toys and loves an adventure on her leash. She’s joyful and asks so sweetly for affection with a gentle paw on your shoulder or leg. She would love to sleep in your bed however she only comes up if she’s invited and if not, she’s completely happy to sleep on her bed on the floor beside you. She loves walks, all people and children.

We feel Maggie loves the slight hustle and bustle of a family home. She loves evening downtime but is excited to welcome our toddler home everyday after daycare.

Maggie is a beautiful Greyhound x Boxer who came into our care on July 16, 2018 after being surrendered by her owner because she wouldn’t stop chasing their neighbor’s cattle. She was 7 years old at that time and after a few weeks in foster care, her foster dad fell in love with her and couldn’t let her go. She’s a beautiful brindle/merle girl with the head of a boxer and body of a greyhound.

Fast forward to 2022 and sadly sweet Maggie is back.. The house that Maggie and her dad were living in was sold and he was unable to secure a living situation that allowed both him and his lady, leaving him with the heartbreaking situation of having surrender her back…. We’re here to help them both with a promise to find a loving family for her to spend the rest of her years in, a place her dad knows she’s well taken care of.

Maggie was born April 28, 2011 making her a sweet 11 year old senior at this point – she sure doesn’t know that though! Maggie is cat safe and is great with other dogs after proper introductions – she loves kids, ball, walks and snuggles. Maggie would do best in a home with people that are home a lot and with a yard to play in.

Maggie is currently being fostered in Calgary, Alberta – if you or someone you know have room in your heart for this sweet little senior, please PM us or send an email to