Jack’s Smokinsis (Topaz)
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Topaz was born on December 26, 2011. She is a friendly girl and enjoys being with people, but also has an independent streak. She crates well.

Topaz shows a lot of interest in cats and should not be trusted with them. If the behaviour is strongly and consistently discouraged, it may improve in time. Topaz interacted well with the other Greyhounds.

While racing Topaz suffered a right hock (rear leg) fracture. This should not affect enjoyment of a normal pet life. Glucosamine supplementation may help in the coming years.

Update from Foster:

Topaz is a bright, confident, inquisitive 5-year-old girl who is always eager for new adventures. She is fun-loving and affectionate. In the house she is very calm and quiet, although when at play or when greeting people at the door she becomes quite animated. Although Topaz arrived underweight, her appetite is good and she has slowly been working up to a suitable Greyhound weight.

Initially Topaz had difficulties with separation anxiety. The foster family has been working on this, and recently she has been left on her own for an hour and a half without any symptoms of anxiety.

Topaz came to us with concern about excessive interest in cats and small dogs. She has not been exposed to cats since she arrived. She has successfully met dogs of many breeds and sizes while walking. She occasionally spends time in households with Greyhounds and other large breeds, and she has done well with all dogs.

Topaz’€™s foster reports that Topaz is truly a gem;€“ loving, quiet, patient and quick to learn. €“She is a delight!

Foster Update 2017-07-24

She walks beautifully on leash, including when walked together with another Greyhound, who likes to stop and smell every bush! Topaz knows her name and responds to recall for a treat while on leash. She is quietly alert and interested in everything and they have not seen her startle at anything.

Although Topaz does not seem at all distressed when they come back after a couple of hours, she does fuss when she sees or hears someone outside, even when there are dogs and/or people in the house. They suspect she would be okay left alone if there are no outside distractions.