Sneak was born on October 2, 2013. He is a happy, outgoing kind of guy. He loves everyone! He enjoys rawhide bones and stuffed toys. Watch him closely in the house initially as he learns all the house rules. He can be a bit “grabby” when it comes to food, so we have been working on the “wait” command to get him to be more patient and he is responding well.
After some initial interest, Sneak did well in cat testing, but has never lived with a cat. He interacted well with the other Greyhounds and responded well when meeting Jack Russell Terriers. Caution should always be exercised, especially outdoors.
Sneak is a super handsome goofy boy! Nothing phases this big man! He loves people and other dogs! He’s got a fun loving personality and is looking for that perfect family who’s ready to welcome his big heart into their home! Sneak tested cat safe on the farm but hasn’t lived with one yet.

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