Onyx is a sweet, easy-going kind of guy born on February 15, 2013 and he is calm and polite.
Onyx showed a lot of interest in cats and should not be trusted with them. He interacted well with the other greyhounds and responded well when meeting Jack Russel Terriers.
Onyx’s foster family say that he quickly learned to go outside to do his business. He is eating well and sleeps quietly at night. He has been good on lead when walking, and meetings with other dogs have been friendly. Foster family think he is a sweetheart.
Another update from foster family: Onyx is showing no signs of separation anxiety and is not a counter surfer. He doesn’t mind being touched anywhere on his body, mouth and feet, etc. He is a confident dog and seems to know who he is and is not shy in any way. When told “no” he understands and backs off. He loves to know where you are at all times, always coming up for loves and cuddles. He really is a lovely Greyhound!
Update: Foster family along with another GH owner went to a mall to test out some new experiences. Onyx went in and out of an elevator, up and down stairs and walking in the crowds, all without any problem, although the two hounds attracted a lot of attention which Onyx thoroughly enjoyed.
Nyx’s first night in his forever home went really well. He slept soundly, with no problems. He is so well-mannered and polite, and has not tried to take anything from around the apartment – at least “yet”! He loves the his new balcony on the 4th floor (top floor). The balcony looks out over a huge courtyard where he loves to gaze!




