Heritage Pride (Billy)
Chapter : BC
Gender : Male
Weight : TBD
Arrival Date:
Breed : Greyhound
Adopted Date :
Date Of Birth : 05/28/1994
Deceased Date : 02/13/2006
Age : TBD

Heritage Pride is a GREAT dog. At nine years old, he’s energetic when out for runs but calm in the house. He’s got a silly personality and butt scritches make him want to play, play, play. He smiles a HUGE open-mouthed smile that would be very intimidating except for the fact that it’s usually accompanied by a play bow and full body wag. Pride sleeps quiet, eats EVERYTHING (and more), loves life in every way and is in general just a great dog to have around.

New foster home update:

Heritage Pride, affectionately known as “Billy” came into our home and instantly felt like one of the gang. He gets along very well with our other two dogs and didn’t bother with our Cat from the very first day.

He is a very sweet boy, who likes to be wherever we are all the time. He doesn’t mind being in the kennel while we go out, but being so cuddly and affectionate, much prefers to sleep in our room at night. He does not have accidents in the house and is so good about going outside to the bathroom. He has a great appetite and is extremely gentle while taking treats from your fingers.

He seems to be in very good shape and keeps up just fine with the younger girls in the back yard. He has been amazing on walks and does not pull on the leash at all. He has the most amazing smile and is just wiggly when his people come home. He has a very cute habit of stomping his front paws when he’s exited. He is such a wonderful dog and a delight to have at home.

We adopted Pride just over 2 years ago. We had such fun with Pride. We taught him to “sit”, “lay” and “stay” – who says you cannot teach an old dog new tricks!! Pride was our devoted companion, and loyal friend.

On February 13, 2006, at age 11.5 years, Pride was laid to rest as a result of osteo-sarcoma. His toys remain in our living room, a reminder of the fun we shared. He is greatly missed but remains a living legacy in all the photos we have of him and the memories in our hearts. We are truly grateful to have been a part of his life – we were the lucky ones !!